3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Adhesive Primer EW-5000, 1 qt, 12 Bottle/Case

Price: $175.95

MOQ: 12

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7100004022
UOM: Bottle

SKU: 7100004022 Categories: ,

Additional Info

SKU 7100004022
Categories ,
Description 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Adhesive Primer EW-5000 is our sprayable, heat curing, epoxy based structural adhesive aerospace primer containing a corrosion inhibiting package that provides protection against corrosive environments. We developed this water-borne solution to deliver comparable performance to solvent based products giving customers more choices in their respective processes.
Lead Time 65 days
Bullets - Can be dried at ambient temperatures, allowing parts to be handled prior to bake cycle
- Corrosion inhibitive pigment allows for increased service life
- Ensures complete wetting of the adhesive to the surface
- High spray transfer efficiency helps reduce quantity of material needed
- Protects high-cost surface preparation processes prior to bonding
- Provides comparable performance to traditional solvent-based options
- Water-borne formula provides options for processes
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 90 Days
Shipping Weight 27.4 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions N/A
Stock Type Make To Order
Increment 12
Harmonized Code 3824999397
Transport Protective Service MAINTAIN TEMP BETWEEN 35-45F (2-7C)