3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Core Splice Adhesive EC-3500 B, 1 gal, 4 Can/Case

Price: $1,062.13

MOQ: 4

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7000046475
UOM: Canister

Additional Info

SKU 7000046475
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Description 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Core Splice Adhesive EC-3500 B/A is a two-part void filling material designed for filling mismatched areas, core splicing and reinforcing honeycomb core. This low density formula features a long work life and high shear strength, even at increased temperatures.
Lead Time 65 days
Bullets - High performance over a broad range of temperatures ranging from -67°F/-55°C to 350°F/177°C
- Low density and long work life ensures time for positioning and adjustments
- Low volatile loss during cure results in uniform surface appearance
- Offers excellent shear strength even at elevated temperatures
- Two-part epoxy kit allows for exact mixing volumes in order to reduce unnecessary waste and help with precise application where needed
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 1095 Days
Shipping Weight 16.8 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions NA
Stock Type Make To Order
Increment 4
Harmonized Code 3214100020
Transport Protective Service MAINTAIN TEMP BETWEEN 35-45F (2-7C)