3M™ Safety-Walk™ Light Duty Resilient Tread 7752, 2 in x 60 ft, Clear Bulk Roll

Price: $0.75

MOQ: 360

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7752
UOM: Feet

SKU: 7010382211 Categories: , ,

Additional Info

SKU 7010382211
Categories , ,
Description 3M™ Safety-Walk™ Tapes and Treads are designed to provide traction on slippery surfaces where potential slips and falls can occur or where safety may be a concern. These easy-to-use strips are ideal for the bathtub, shower, locker room, around a pool and other areas with slippery, wet conditions that are not continuously submerged in water. 3M™ Safety Walk™ Wet Environment tape is fine-textured for enhanced safety and comfort in light and wet-traffic areas.
Lead Time 2 days
Bullets - ADHERE TO CLEAN, DRY SURFACES without wrinkling, curling, tearing, shrinking or lifting
- COMFORTABLE to walk on with bare feet
- EASY TO APPLY, cut to size with scissors
- FOR BEST RESULTS area must be primed with a high-strength contact adhesive, such as 3M™ Hi-Strength 90 Spray Adhesive
- HELPS CREATE SAFER ENVIRONMENT where water is likely to create slippery surfaces such as bathrooms and recreational areas
- HELPS MEETS OSHA AND ADA COEFFICIENT of friction recommendations
- RESISTS WEAR for enhanced durability
- SELF-ADHESIVE BACKING for quick and easy application
- USES INCLUDE showers, tubs and surfboards, and around hot tubs and pools
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life N/A
Shipping Weight 9.161 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions N/A
Stock Type Standard
Increment 360
Harmonized Code 3920490000