3M™ Organic Vapor/Acid Gas Cartridge 6003/07047(AAD), 60 EA/Case

Price: $460.65

MOQ: 1

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 6003
UOM: Case

Additional Info

SKU 7000051849
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Description 3M™ Bayonet Gas & Vapor Cartridges have a bayonet-style connection that fits any half or full facepiece 3M™ Bayonet Reusable Respirators and they’re designed to optimize your field of vision. These cartridges offer lightweight and well-balanced breathing protection for a wide range of hazardous environments.
Lead Time 2 days
Bullets - Bayonet-style connection fits a wide range of compatible half and full facepiece 3M™ Reusable Respirators
- Lightweight with low breathing resistance
- NIOSH approved for use against a wide range of gases and vapors depending upon the model selected
- Quarter turn for a quick and easy installation
- Swept-back, low profile design for optimized field of view and balance
- Use for protection in hazardous environments. For workplace/occupational use only
- Use with NIOSH approved 3M™ Half and Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6000, 6500, 7500, 7800S or FF-400 Series
- or the 3M™ Scott™ AV-3000 SureSeal or AV-3000 HT
- Wide range of applications may reduce inventory needs
Country of Origin USA
ECCN 1A995;COV19
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life N/A
Shipping Weight 14.8 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions N/A
Stock Type Standard
Increment 1
Harmonized Code 9020006000