3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3552CF, Black, 1/2 in x 50 yd, Type 170, 4 Rolls/Case

Price: $208.83

MOQ: 12

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: SJ3552CF
UOM: Roll

SKU: 7100271922 Categories: , ,

Additional Info

SKU 7100271922
Categories , ,
Description 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3552CF is a convenient alternative to traditional fastening methods, such as screws, nuts or bolts. It is designed to deliver a durable, reclosable fastening solution (which can be opened and closed multiple times) which bonds to a variety of substrates including metals and plastics such as acrylics, polycarbonate and ABS.
Lead Time 15 days
Bullets - An alternative to screws and bolts, this hidden fastener provides a snug fit and smooth aesthetic appearance
- Best suited for indoor and outdoor use
- Black, interlocking mushroom-shaped heads (170 stem density per square inch) provide strong, reliable and durable fastening that can be opened and closed multiple times
- Clear, acrylic, firm foam tape bonds well to a variety of substrates including metals and plastics such as acrylics, polycarbonate and ABS
- Features good temperature resistance of 220°F/104°C
- Mates with Type 250 and Type 400 stem densities to provide different strength combinations
- Strong fastener secures with an audible snap, verifying closure
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 730 Days
Shipping Weight 8.711 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions NA
Stock Type Make To Order
Increment 12
Harmonized Code 3926909985;3926909989