3M™ Aerospace Sealant AC-350 B-1/2, qt Kit, 9 Kit/Case

Price: $336,648.00

MOQ: 9

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7010370386
UOM: Kit

Additional Info

SKU 7010370386
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Description 3M™ Aerospace Sealant AC-350 is a family of intermediate density, fast-curing, polysulfide fuel tank sealants that provides outstanding resistance to aviation fuels and petroleum chemicals. Our Class A and B variants maintain bond strength on many metal, composite and coated substrates and help meet a range of applications for integral fuel tank and fuselage sealing.
Lead Time 65 days
Bullets - Available in Class A, B and C to meet a range of requirements
- Low shrinkage results in less rework
- Maintains bond strength on many metal, composite and coated substrates
- Sealant resists aviation fuels and chemicals commonly used throughout the aviation industry
- Various work lives and cure rates help meet a variety of process demands
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 270 Days
Shipping Weight 56 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions NA
Stock Type Make To Order
Increment 9
Harmonizing Code 3214100020