3M™ Adhesion Promoter 86A, Transparent, 1 pt

Price: $79.55

MOQ: 12

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7000002051
UOM: Bottle

SKU: 7000002051 Categories: ,

Additional Info

SKU 7000002051
Categories ,
Description 3M™ Adhesion Promoter 86A is a liquid “primer” designed to be used with 3M™ Polyurethane Protective Tapes and Boots and other acrylic adhesives to enhance initial adhesion in demanding situations. 3M 86A promoter is designed to promote faster initial adhesion to certain types of surfaces, such as polyurethane paint, epoxy primers or epoxy composites.
Lead Time 2 days
Bullets - Allows for faster initial adhesion build rate of 3M™ Polyurethane Protective Tapes and Boots
- Designed for use with acrylic adhesive for maximum adhesion
- Pre-saturated wipes save time
- Promotes adhesion to certain types of surfaces, such as polyurethane paint, epoxy primers or epoxy composites
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 730 Days
Shipping Weight 13.077 (US pound) (US pound)
Ship Dimensions N/A
Stock Type Standard
Increment 12
Harmonized Code 3824999397
Transport Protective Service MAINTAIN TEMP BELOW 125F (52C)