3M™ Low-Static Non-Silicone Polyimide Film Tape 7419, 4 mm x 33 m, 124/Case

Price: $14.37

MOQ: 161

Manufacturer: 3M
Manufacture Part: 7419
UOM: Roll

SKU: 7010373891 Categories: , ,

Additional Info

SKU 7010373891
Categories , ,
Description 3M™ Low Static, Non Silicone Polyimide Film Tape 7419 with DuPont™ Kapton® polyimide film and acrylic adhesive used for PCB solder masking and other high temperature applications. Low Static.
Lead Time 14 days
Bullets - Non-silicone adhesive formulation eliminates the potential for silicone contamination which can interfere with subsequent bonding or conformal coating operations.
- Product is wound on a polyethylene tape core
- Specially formulated acrylic adhesive is resistant to typical solder mask temperatures for short periods of time. Stays firmly in place during processing and removes cleanly from typical electronic substrates even after 10 min @ 500 degree F (260 degree C).
- The high temperature acrylic adhesive also has excellent chemical resistance and should be considered for demanding chemical masking applications.
Country of Origin USA
Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet
Shelf Life 548 Days
Shipping Weight 40 LBS (US pound)
Ship Dimensions NA
Stock Type Make To Order
Increment 1
Harmonized Code 3919102055